
Nayna , the only daughter of King Darshan and Queen Rukmini. Both of them love their state's only princess very dearly.

Nayna , she is a brave young girl who always loved to play around and have fun with her friends and family. Her most dear friend was her cousin, Tara. Though it was not planned , but somehow their name were said together as Nayantara. Both were inseparable.

Tara was 3 years older than Nayna , she always took care of Nayna as her own little sister. Tara's family was not wealthy, her mother and Queen Rukmini were two sisters from same mother of a peasantfamily , but  on a hunting contest King Darshan saw her and fell in love , soon they married and lived happily with their daughter.

Tara used to come daily and play with Nayan , both the King and queen were also really happy to have Tara as their daughter's sister.

Everything was going really well and peaceful, but one day , King Harshat , King of a really big state came to see Nayan , hearing about the beauty of Princess of Nazabgar , he was determined to marry her and keep her as one of his many queens.

When King Hashrat asked King Darshan to marry off his daughter to him , he immediately declined the offer. He knew King Hashrat really well , he knew his daughter will never be able to be happy with him. Listening to that he got really angry, he gave King Darshan two options , either marry of his daughter or prepare to go against him in a war.

King Darshan was petrified, he was so confused what to do , one side there was her daughter and on the other side safety of his state , though he was a King  , Nazabgar was a really non powerful state.



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